About Us

MindBody Ops and Tim Sinnett

MindBody Ops was developed by Tim Sinnett. From an early age, Tim was always interested in spirituality and in what the real “truth” was behind all of the different, and sometimes conflicting, belief systems.

After graduating college with a degree in actuarial science, he went to work in the corporate world, which was so out of alignment with his true interests that he almost left abruptly to go to seminary school. Instead, he resigned from his corporate job and started on a decades long search, studying Eastern and Western philosophy, religion, psychology, mind/body therapy, traditional healing systems, esoteric sciences and many others.

Strongly drawn to the area of traditional medicine, he was unable to find a deep resonance with any particular system, so he continued his studies focusing more on the underlying similarities between them. Noticing that he was growing more interested in the primary role that the mind played in health and healing, he went through a hypnotherapy certification program to learn more about how strong this influence was. That program changed everything for him.

It wasn’t hypnotherapy, per se, that became his primary interest, it was the understanding of how our thoughts and beliefs are formed, and the influence they have on our lives. Like seeing the Wizard behind the curtain, once the mechanisms had been revealed, there was no turning back.

Tim has been described as a “weaver” for his ability to take different concepts, tools, and modalities and weave them in to the needs of his clients. His goal is to provide the broadest range of tools that he can to positively impact the largest number of people. He is always happy to refer clients on to specialists in any areas that have strong resonance with them. In fact, that makes him very happy.



Tim started playing sports from as early as he can remember. A three sport athlete in high school (football, basketball, track) he went on to play collegiate club volleyball and continued to play competitively throughout his 20s.

He transitioned to outdoor sports in his late 20s, and these days, if you can’t find him at home with his family, he is probably out playing in the mountains.

As a nationally recognized trainer and strength coach, health and wellness coach, and corporate wellness program director, Tim worked in the health and fitness arena for over 15 years. His company, Free Rein Performance, focused on a holistic approach to sports and performance enhancement.

While Tim spends more time on the psych/mindset side of performance these days, he still pulls in training and health/wellness concepts to assist those trying to maximize their potential.


In 2015, while investigating a mysterious breathing issue that doctors couldn’t figure out, Tim was diagnosed with a rare, incurable cancer. He was completely asymptomatic for this type of cancer when it was discovered, so the news came as quite a surprise.

And yet, while he going to get his CT that day, which was scheduled to find out more about some fluid that had shown up on an ultrasound the previous week, he remembers the word “cancer” flashing through his mind as he walked to the medical center. It was just a moment of experience, but one that has stayed with him ever since.

Tim decided to write a blog about his cancer journey, detailing his internal and external experience. The blog, Race Sherpa Rises, was very well received, and after his cancer surgery and recovery he started a project called The Life Between, aimed at helping others who are confronting cancer or other life threatening illnesses.

{To receive an easy to read PDF version of the Race Sherpa Rises blog, request one through the Contact page.}
Speaking, Writing, and Coaching

Speaking, Writing, and Coaching

Because MindBody Ops is set up as both an educational and coaching organization, Tim spends a great deal of time writing and is available for speaking engagements.

You can find Tim’s content on the MindBody Ops social media pages, as well as the Blog page that will be coming to this website soon.

If you would like to schedule Tim for a speaking engagement or podcast apperance, please contact us on the Contact page.


Tim lives in the Boulder, CO area with his wife, Rose Wetzel, and his daughter, Taylor. Having an energetic little one and a professional athlete spouse around means home life is usually hopping.
The TL;DR Background

The TL;DR Background

From Tim: Many people are interested in knowing an individual’s philosophical or academic lineage. In a world full of a variety of educational resources, along with certificates and certifications and degrees and licenses, including professional titles, assessing someone’s background and qualifications can be a difficult ocean to navigate. I am no exception to that. In fact, I might be more compicated than average. If you would like to know more, click HERE for my TL;DR background.