The Upgraded Athlete

Successful performance can generally be broken down in to two general variables: total capacity and resistance. Total capacity represents all of the components (primarily physical) needed to perform well. Does an athlete have the appropriate fitness, speed, power, agility, and technical skills required for optimal performance?

Resistance can be thought of as those variables that keep you from performing at your highest capacity. In most cases, these are the mental/emotional pieces that limit how much of your physical and technical skills you can access during training or competition.

One’s performance is, therefore, a rough equation that can be generally expressed as:

Performance = Total Capacity – Resistance

MindBody Ops includes assessing an athlete’s capacity, and coaching/training in areas that need improvement, but the primary focus is on Resistance. That is, what is getting in the athlete’s way of fully accessing all of their physical skills?

Having the best mindset in the world, while advantageous, is not likely to lead to much performance above the capacity you have developed.

But having enormous capacity and not being able to access it during competition is likely the most frustrating experience of all for an athlete.

MindBody Ops takes a multi-faceted approach. Incorporating the tools and techniques of cognitive frames, arousal, mindset and other traditional facets of sports psychology with the deeper, subconscious programming elements of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy allows an athlete to get to the roots of many performance-limiting mindsets, and provides temporary workarounds to those barriers when they happen during training or competition.

The end result is a more robust, resilient athlete who not only has developed successful tools and techniques arising from healthier and more functional psychological programs, but one who has upgraded their entire operating system as well, enabling them to troubleshoot future issues as they arise.